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Sea creatures are my favourite inspiration. I sometimes wonder how it is possible that there are creatures like siphonophores in the deep sea. The fact that we have not even been able to explore all of the ocean depths is mind boggeling to me. I wonder about the mesmerising shapes that might be down there. This obsession has led to creating an ongoing set of statement pillows. A series that has no end as every now and then I find a new strange sea creature that I want to embark on as inspiration for a new object. 

This one is inspired by a wobbegong, not that much in visual aspect, but the name in and of itself. It puts in my mind an inherently symmetrical creature. 
It makes me more enganged to research about sea creatures. This number was inspired by the 
Pisaster ochraceus, a type of starfish with curly tentacles. 
I will explore with sizing, pushing the boundaries of the shapes.